I’m interested in what your real opinions are on Facebook, I know Facebook is hated around these parts by almost everyone – me included. Personally I see Facebook as a hugely powerful platform with significant reach (at 750m active users, you can’t simply ignore). Facebook has some of the greatest minds working for them, not forgetting Zuckerberg himself. But they can’t seem to pull their shit together and make a product that not only delivers on the social aspects and business interests. Every step of the way Facebook cannibalises the social dynamics by introducing more noise into the UI. Yesterday I got shown a screenshot of what the new Facebook homepage looks like, I nearly threw up. There was literally nothing on that page that was remotely interesting. X likes Y, X is friends with Y, and “top stories”. Facebooks F8 event is later today and they have promised changes and new features and usually I couldn’t careless, but the rumours of social music features has peaked my interest. I would love to see Turntable.fm (my hot startup pick for 2011) to be right within Facebook. (Google+ have really missed the beat on this one!) Also, earlier today Colour was removed from the App Store, I can only hope that Facebook have acquired them. Location based photos have so much potential – and relevance to Facebook. Overall what I hate about Facebook is their disregard to their users, bad UI and UX and their simple inability to show me relevant information from my social graph, what about you?